Getting to Scale by 2030

ICPD25 is a key milestone on the road to achieving the 2030 Agenda. This session discusses how community members, stakeholders and political leaders can scale up successful interventions and lock in the financial investments needed to meet this goal. It will highlight best practices for maintaining equitable access to quality care while maintaining strong social accountability at local and national levels. Expect panelists to underscore successful interventions; identify the gaps between where we stand and the 2030 Agenda; and make commitments in their own communities and contexts to ensure SRHR for all by 2030.

HIV: Unfinished business for those most left behind

If the global response against HIV/AIDS as a public threat remains unchanged, we will not attain the transformative goal of ending AIDS and meeting the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. As young people and key populations are increasingly becoming the face of the epidemic, this session will look into how we can change the trajectory of the global HIV/AIDS response to meet prevention and treatment targets and adopt a truly rights-based approach that leaves no one behind. Representatives from young people and key populations, as well as global leaders and experts, will share their experiences and discuss the best way to ensure inclusive, effective and transformative HIV/AIDS response.

Fulfilling the Cairo Promise in a Fragile World

Today, more than two billion people live in countries affected by conflict, violence and fragility. This session will highlight major humanitarian trends including rising displacement to galvanize action to fulfill the promise of Cairo to uphold the rights for universal sexual and reproductive health and ending GBV everywhere including in humanitarian and fragile settings.

Ensuring Safe Pregnancy and Childbirth for All Women and Newborns

Today, an estimated 830 women die every single day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, and many more experience acute or chronic morbidity. With the Sustainable Development Goals, the global community has committed to reducing global maternal mortality to less than 70 deaths per 100,000 live births. The task of saving women's lives and protecting their health requires strong capacity in the health system to address the full range of direct causes of maternal mortality and morbidity. This session will focus on evidence-based strategies for accelerating progress by improving quality, coverage and equity in maternity care through an effective, well-functioning primary health care system, including safe abortion. It will also discuss the need for increased attention to preventing and treating maternal morbidities, and how to ensure that maternity care respects women’s rights and is free of violence and discrimination.

Building Financing momentum: The Investment case for ICPD PoA - costs and gaps

We are 10 years away from delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet the world’s progress has thus far been insufficient to meet the targets on reducing maternal deaths, ending violence against women and girls, and providing universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. This session will highlight the urgency and the price tag associated with each target. The latter will come from a major collaborative analysis between academic and multilateral partners indicating the dollar amount needed to reach these goals.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights : An essential element of Universal Health Coverage

Health care is a matter of equity, quality, accountability and justice. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are an important part of the health and well-being of people, and thus integral to universal health coverage (UHC). Marginalized groups, including minority ethnic groups, young people, unmarried people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, people with disabilities, and the rural and urban poor continue to face barriers in accessing quality care. UHC provides a renewed opportunity to uphold their rights. Highlighting new scientific evidence, this signature session will cover how far the world has come towards providing an integrated and essential package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, the remaining challenges and obstacles, and how to overcome these.

Harnessing the power of cities for ICPD Programme of Action

Sustainable development cannot be achieved without ensuring safe and sustainable cities. There are many powerful urban leaders and actors raising the bar for smart cities, women-friendly cities, youth-friendly cities and environmentally friendly cities. Today’s urban areas are engines for experimentation, transformation and development. This session will bring together mayors, city activists, local leaders and thought leaders from around the world to discuss the power and potential of urban action.

Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our World: 1.8 Billion Reasons Why

This youth-led signature session will focus on the more than 1.8 billion young people in the world today between the ages of 10 and 24. How the sexual and reproductive health needs and aspirations of adolescents and youth are met defines young people today and will define our common future. This signature session will discuss the challenges and opportunities of young people from around the world in realizing the ICPD agenda. It will focus on the barriers adolescents and youth face in realizing their sexual and reproductive health and rights. The session puts the young people in the driver's seat and provides a platform for young adolescents and youth to share their ideas for solutions based on their expertise and experience, and share how they are holding governments accountable to their promises.