Inclusive action: Realizing HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women in their diversity

Progress in stopping new HIV infections has been unequal and uneven. But we know that strong investment in HIV prevention can make a difference – particularly for girls, their families and their communities, with amplifying effects for societies and economies at large. During this session, expect to hear personal stories and compelling evidence from a range of speakers, demonstrating the progress made on HIV prevention and also highlighting areas for improvement, all with the aim of making integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services and rights (SRHR) a reality for adolescent girls and young women in all their diversity. The session will reinforce goals and commitments towards reducing the global number of adolescent girls and young women newly infected with HIV to fewer than 100,000 and articulate concrete commitments towards integrating HIV and SRHR in line with the commitments made for ICPD25. The event will be convened by the Global HIV Prevention Coalition.

Closing the Gap: How the Strategic Private Partners Can Fulfill the Promise of ICPD for Women & Girls

How can we leverage the reach, ingenuity and financial power of the private sector to accelerate progress towards fulfilling the promise of ICPD and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? In what ways can governments, the private sector and civil society work together to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights? This conversation will take up these questions, including the role of private sector contributions and investments in the sustainable development agenda. Expect to engage with leaders from private and public sector alike, and arrive ready to explore new and renewed commitments from the private sector to realize the vision of Cairo.

Ending Unmet Need for Family Planning: Reproductive Rights and Contraceptive Choices

Today, more women have access to family planning information and services than ever before. Yet 232 million women in developing countries who want to prevent pregnancy are not using modern contraceptives. How can we meet their needs? What will it take to reach marginalized communities and those living in fragile and humanitarian settings? And who is going to pay for it? This signature session will explore the path forwards – engaging across sectors – to expand rights, agency and contraceptive choices to ensure that everyone everywhere can prosper as equal partners in sustainable development.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights : An essential element of Universal Health Coverage

Health care is a matter of equity, quality, accountability and justice. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are an important part of the health and well-being of people, and thus integral to universal health coverage (UHC). Marginalized groups, including minority ethnic groups, young people, unmarried people, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, people with disabilities, and the rural and urban poor continue to face barriers in accessing quality care. UHC provides a renewed opportunity to uphold their rights. Highlighting new scientific evidence, this signature session will cover how far the world has come towards providing an integrated and essential package of sexual and reproductive health interventions, the remaining challenges and obstacles, and how to overcome these.

Demographic Diversity and Dividends

Today’s world is more demographically diverse than ever before, bringing new challenges and creating opportunities. This signature session will delve into changing demographics as a driver for sustainable growth, poverty reduction, and human capital development. The session will investigate how countries can seize these opportunities and respond to their inhabitant’s needs by making the right investments in health, family planning, youth empowerment, education, and employment opportunities, all while safe guarding human rights and pursuing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Participants from young and ageing societies will share experiences and lessons learned from harnessing the demographic dividend.

Building Financing momentum: The Investment case for ICPD PoA - costs and gaps

We are 10 years away from delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet the world’s progress has thus far been insufficient to meet the targets on reducing maternal deaths, ending violence against women and girls, and providing universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. This session will highlight the urgency and the price tag associated with each target. The latter will come from a major collaborative analysis between academic and multilateral partners indicating the dollar amount needed to reach these goals.

Intergenerational dialogue on the road to gender equality: Connecting ICPD+25 and Beijing+25

This session will be an intergenerational dialogue between young leaders and long-time activists on how the ICPD Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform for Action interlock. As agents of change in their communities and countries, young people will demonstrate the interlinkages between voice, choice, participation and leadership, while iterating how women and girls’ autonomy over their bodies enables and empowers them to take action and make decisions, including on how to confront discrimination and on young women and men working together to build equitable societies. The recommendations will feed into CSW64 and the Beijing +25 process, as well as reinvigorate implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.
