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Sessions (141)

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT
Courtyard 1

UHC with and for Young People in the MENA Region

In many Arab States in the MENA region, youth-friendly health services have been provided for several years, operated thanks to partnership between the organizations and youth. This concurrent session will demonstrate a successful example of advocating for youth-friendly health services, drawing on the experience of The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) and Y-PEER Network. The session will showcase the importance of peer education within mobile clinics as well as university health centers, both of which improve accessibility to sexual and reproductive health and rights and help mitigate the negative norms and factors that impede young people’s access to SRHR. The session will also engage audience participants in a lively discussion to highlight the challenges and opportunities related to applying this model to other contexts. This session is convened by Palestinian Medical Relief Society; Y-PEER - Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Syria.

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT

Men and Boys’ Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health

What is at stake? What do men and boys need and demand when it comes to sexual and reproductive health and rights? What are the barriers, where are the gaps in resources and progress, and how can these obstacles be addressed? This open dialogue will enable participants to reflect on the role of men and boys as clients, partners and agents of change for gender equality. The conversation will explore why and how the sexual and reproductive health and rights needs and demands of men and boys can be addressed, and will highlight the social norms that need to transform in order to enable this change.

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT

HIV: Unfinished business for those most left behind

If the global response against HIV/AIDS as a public threat remains unchanged, we will not attain the transformative goal of ending AIDS and meeting the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. As young people and key populations are increasingly becoming the face of the epidemic, this session will look into how we can change the trajectory of the global HIV/AIDS response to meet prevention and treatment targets and adopt a truly rights-based approach that leaves no one behind. Representatives from young people and key populations, as well as global leaders and experts, will share their experiences and discuss the best way to ensure inclusive, effective and transformative HIV/AIDS response.

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT
Courtyard 2

Building Jordan’s GBV Prevention System

After more than eight years of conflict and crisis in Syria, the response in Jordan has moved from an acute phase to a more protracted response approach. Though extremely challenging, this situation also has presented a special window of opportunity for Jordan to responds to and prevent gender-based violence (GBV) among Syrians, as well as women and girls in the host community Jordan’s experience demonstrates that initial emergency interventions open up opportunities to develop of longer-term policies and created a more robust national system on prevention and response to GBV. This session will showcasing lessons learned that attendees can apply in their home communities as well as the contexts in which they serve. This session is convened by the Institute for Family Health/King Hussein Foundation; Jordan River Foundation; Royal Health Awareness Society

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT

Commitment Statements 3.3

Member States & Other Stakeholders Commitment Statements

Thu, 14 November - 11:00 - 12:30 EAT
Courtyard 4

SRHR Starts at School

As the single most important global social institution to provide comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), schools play a vital role in enabling sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. Education is a catalyst for change, particularly for girls; but if education is to be truly transformative, it has to be of good quality, challenge negative gender norms and stereotypes, empower all people, and provide children and youth access to CSE. This session will highlight relevant experiences with CSE, gender-transformative education and pedagogical methods that support girls’ empowerment. This session is convened by Oxfam IBIS; UNGEI - UNs Girls Education Initiative; Kenya Ministry of Education.
