Unpacking the Politics of Manifestos

Political initiatives that entirely oppose SRHR at the normative and programmatic level have recently increased in their resolve despite 25 years of progress on the ICPD. This session considers the design and plot of thefar-right policy agend onn SRHR, based on the value system of those who advocate viewpoints that restrict rights and choices for all. The session will contextualize the phenomenon in the wider anti-gender movement and uncover the proliferation, tentacles and tactics of opposition movements against SRHR worldwide. It provides a platform for progressive actors to consider solutions that can respond to and counter ideologies that seek to inhibit ICPD and undermine progress towards the SDGs.This session is convened by African Parliamentary Forum on P&D; EPF; South Africa Development Community Parliamentary Forum.

Building Jordan’s GBV Prevention System

After more than eight years of conflict and crisis in Syria, the response in Jordan has moved from an acute phase to a more protracted response approach. Though extremely challenging, this situation also has presented a special window of opportunity for Jordan to responds to and prevent gender-based violence (GBV) among Syrians, as well as women and girls in the host community Jordan’s experience demonstrates that initial emergency interventions open up opportunities to develop of longer-term policies and created a more robust national system on prevention and response to GBV. This session will showcasing lessons learned that attendees can apply in their home communities as well as the contexts in which they serve. This session is convened by the Institute for Family Health/King Hussein Foundation; Jordan River Foundation; Royal Health Awareness Society

The Call of African Teenage Girls

Twenty-five years after the adoption of the the landmark ICPD Programme of Action, teenage girls in Africa still face myriad reproductive health challenges, despite policies and programmes already in place to advance SRHR. This session aims to give African teenage girls an international platform to share their stories and urge the global community to act. Through poetry, skits, the spoken word and a panel discussion, the session will showcase the progress these girls have seen and made, the constraints they still face in their daily lives and the solutions they have identified for themselves and their communities. The event is convened by FEMNET and member organizations.

Leveraging the Power of News Media to End GBV

News media plays a critical role in defining and shifting the discourse on human rights and gender empowerment. This session will explore how to leverage the influential voice of news media to end gender-based violence (GBV). It will focus on taking a survivor-centric approach through strengthened reporting standards to enhance public perceptions of GBV and equip participants with tools for improving GBV reporting. The panel will also feature a discussion on the challenges faced by women journalists reporting on GBV, the rise in new forms of violence in the virtual age, and the perspectives of youth media in tackling GBV through online news. This session will be convened by the Center for Women's Global Leadership, UNFPA’s Regional Response Hub and the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.

Tracking Commitments and Resources for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 is all about securing commitments from community, national and international stakeholders to advance the ICPD Agenda. This session will take the commitments one step further, identifying what it will take to ensure an effective mechanism for tracking these commitments and holding stakeholders accountable. The session will discuss ways to leverage and strengthen existing mechanisms and conclude with a proposal by partners on their options for tracking commitments that advance results, increase resources and uphold human rights. This event will be convened by PMNCH and WHO.

Reaching UHC through Digital Innovations

Digital health innovations have the power to close data gaps, solve health system challenges and save lives. Together, these innovations can create more resilient health-care systems that put people at the centre. This session will showcase countries’ interest in, and commitments towards, harnessing digital innovations and predictive tools that improve medical efficiency, timeliness and precision. It will also feature a new “global digital good” tool developed by the World Health Organization and UNFPA, which enables health providers to streamline data collection, analysis and use. Expect a facilitated discussion followed by reflections and next steps from governments and partners on their planned investments in digital innovations. This event will be convened by the World Health Organization and Path Tanzania.

GBV in Emergencies

Gender-based violence is a life-threatening, global health and human rights issue. And though it is pervasive in all communities and countries, vulnerability to gender-based violence is heightened in emergencies, such as conflict or natural disasters. This session will highlight progress that has been made since 1994 on preventing and responding to gender-based violence in emergencies. It will also identify areas where urgent action is still required and the strategies to address them. Expect to hear from activists working on the ground in emergency settings about what works and what commitments will ensure women and girls – especially those who are hard to reach and most vulnerable – can live in safety.

CSE-the foundation for ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is necessary to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and it is essential to advancing gender equality. This session will engage attendees with interactive discussions and intergenerational dialogues that showcase best practices and cutting-edge research about successfully implementing CSE programmes. It will conclude with an exciting partnership launch to accelerate support and commitments for the implementation of CSE. This partnership will also aim to generate new evidence and advocate against the myths that undermine CSE. The event will be convened by AfriYAN, Teenergizer, Population Council, IPPF, Rutgers, UNESCO and UNFPA.

The Revolution is Inclusion: Sports and Empowerment

Calling all athletes, sport fanatics and more! Come together to talk about the impactful role of sport in improving the lives of men, women and children. This session is an opportunity for new and existing partners to join the team and chart a path towards realizing Agenda 2030. Expect the unveiling of new and innovative initiatives that advance partnerships for sport and sexual and reproductive health, as well as a round of commitments at the national and international levels from various sporting partners. This event will be convened by Special Olympics and UNFPA.