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Young people in Uganda are experiencing a backlash against their sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly in regards to sexuality education, contraception and gender equality. This is because these issues have become politicized, a group of youth advocates stated in a position paper presented to officials from the Ministry of Health, the National Population Council, UNFPA, and the Embassy of Denmark at an ICPD25 Youth Satellite event.
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Backlash against rights must end, Ugandan youth say
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Backlash against rights must end, Ugandan youth say
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Young people in Uganda are experiencing a backlash against their sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly in regards to sexuality education, contraception and gender equality. This is because these issues have become politicized, a group of youth advocates stated in a position paper presented to officials from the Ministry of Health, the National Population Council, UNFPA, and the Embassy of Denmark at an ICPD25 Youth Satellite event.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019