Commitment title:

Zero unmet need for family planning information and services and universal availability of quality affordable and safe modem contraceptives

Commitment description:

To ensure an effective supply chain systems by improving service delivery, management information system that provides reliable data, last mile distribution and tracking of RH commodities; family planning outreach and community-based distribution of modern family planning commodities; designing and implementing an integrated demand-generation strategy for maternal health and family planning; and capacity building of the ministry of health and other sectoral actors to deliver an integrated package of SRHR services for adolescents and youth using a multi-sectoral platform, the three access point model and innovation that improve access for young people; including support to advocacy for policy change.

Modes of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Provision of budgetary allotment for mainstreaming family planning information and services and universal availability of quality affordable and safe modern contraceptives by 2030.
  • Policy and guidance
    The Government has in place a national population policy that shall be revised to incorporate issues relating to family planning, maternal health, and youth and adolescent empowerment.
Commitment to be actioned in: Liberia
Submitted from: Liberia
Submitted by
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(2) Zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.