Commitment title:

Zero gender-based violence

Commitment description:

Implement resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers in September 2019. Build the capacity of social actors on recognizing and preventing gender-based violence by providing an efficient services and referrals network that can mitigate the consequences of violence and ensure the complete rehabilitation of victims

Modes of engagement:
  • Change or creation of legislation
    Opérationnalisation de la résolution 1325 des Nations Unies sur Femme, Paix et Sécurité
  • Programmatic action
    Communication pour un changement de comportement et social Renforcement des capacités des acteurs impliqués dans la lutte contre les Violences
Commitment to be actioned in: Benin
Submitted from: Benin
Submitted by
BENIN/Ministère du Plan et du Développement
Thematic area
Address gender-based violence and the harmful practices of child, early and forced marriages and female genital mutilation
Commitment category

(5) (a) Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation; and (b) Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.