Commitment title:

Young people at policy tables

Commitment description:

We commit to working with the Government and stakeholders to ensure that the diversity within the group of youth is respected, and their special need is recognized. We will work to reduce the unmet need for family planning services and information among young people with disabilities by building their advocacy capacity and linking them with the government for meaningful space at policy level, to lobby for young people with disability-friendly family
planning policies at the national, provincial and local level.

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    Advocacy Youth leadership
Commitment to be actioned in: Nepal
Submitted from: Nepal
Submitted by
Visible Impact
Thematic area
Draw on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development
Commitment category

(11) Committing to the notion that nothing about young people’s health and well-being can be discussed and decided upon without their meaningful involvement and participation (“nothing about us, without us”).