Commitment title:


Commitment description:

1.Increase funding to comply with the international standards required for priority areas, including health (from 7 per cent in 2018 to 15 per cent in 2030), public education (from 16 per cent in 2018 to 20 per cent in 2030), social protection (from 3 per cent in 2018 to 10 per cent in 2030) 2.Reduce the rate of early pregnancy in both in and out-of-school adolescents by 40 per cent by 2030; 3.Promote gender equality and equity, including among people living with disabilities by 2030: (i) Reduce the prevalence of all forms of gender-based violence by at least 50 per cent, and (ii) reduce the female genital mutilation prevalence rate from 39 per cent in 2018 to 24 per cent among girls aged 0–14; 4.Reduce the number of preventable maternal, neonatal and child deaths by two thirds by 2030. More specifically, reduce the maternal mortality rate to 183 deaths per 100,000 live births 5. Increase the modern contraceptive prevalence rate from 11 per cent in 2018 to 23 per cent by 2030; 6.Maximize the increased use of technology in the areas of health, education, employment, communication, the environment and social protection, creation of decent employment by harnessing the potential of the demographic dividend of young people and women; 7. Continue efforts to provide quality universal primary education and achieve gender parity by 2030; 8.Continue to integrate population dynamics into development planning at the national and local levels, including migration policies and strategies targeting women and young people; 9.Prevent radicalism and violent extremism, including the prevention of all forms of conflict by 2030 10.Continue to operationalize climate change initiatives in conjunction with the Paris Agreement 11.Promote an innovative partnership with civil society organizations and the diaspora

Modes of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Réduire le déficit de développement généré par les inégalités en matière de santé, de protection sociale y compris les personnes vivant avec handicap, d’éducation, jeunesse. Accroître le financement de 43% à 50% pour l'achat des produits de santé
  • Change or creation of legislation
    Promouvoir l’égalité et l’équité entre les hommes et les femmes pour toutes les formes de disparités et de discriminations fondées sur le sexe d’ici 2030
  • Policy and guidance
    Élaborer, adopter et mettre en œuvre des politiques de migration fondées sur des données fiables, ciblant les femmes et les jeunes, optimiser les avantages et réduire au minimum les coûts et répercussions des migrations.
  • Programmatic action
    Réduire de 2/3 les décès maternels néonatals, et infantiles évitables : les taux de mortalité maternelle à 183 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes, de mortalité néonatale à 10 décès et de mortalité infantile à 22 pour 1000 naissances
Commitment to be actioned in: Guinea
Submitted from: Guinea
Submitted by
Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique Formation Professionnelle et Emploi
Thematic area
Uphold the right to sexual and reproductive health care in humanitarian and fragile contexts
Commitment category

(12) Ensuring that the basic humanitarian needs and rights of affected populations, especially that of girls and women, are addressed as critical components of responses to humanitarian and environmental crises, as well as fragile and post-crisis reconstruction contexts, through the provision of access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information, education and services, including access to safe abortion services to the full extent of the law, and post-abortion care, to significantly reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, sexual and gender-based violence and unplanned pregnancies under these conditions.