Commitment title:

Public particiaption and advocacy

Commitment description:

Programmatic commitment. I commit to support of the fulfillment of the below agenda during the ICPD summit of Action. On sexual and reproductive health and rights, this includes; Comprehensive sexual education (CSE), in efforts to empower women, educates girls, and eliminates gender-based violence and harmful practices.
This is through specific (advocacy campaign), measurable (reaching out to the youth lead and youth groups through sensitization program), achievable (our intended number should be realistic), and relevant to the policy and meaningful youth’s contribution on matters that directly involves them. We commit to push through the inclusion of youth policy review and access to treatment and care) within given time of implementation (by 2030).

Mode of engagement:
  • Programmatic action
    through community youth involvement and participation in county public participation and advocacy on comprehensive sexual education and friendly services also awareness promotion campaign
Submitted by
Zwara Arts & Theatre Society
Thematic area
Achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as a part of universal health coverage (UHC)
Commitment category

(4) Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and  gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.