Commitment title:

Financing to complete the ICPD Programme of Action and sustain the gains already made in Serbia

Commitment description:

Government of Serbia commits to maintaining the already established financial allocations for the implementation of national documents related to the achieving the goals of ICPD Programme of Action, gradually increasing the funding provisions in accordance with the limits established by the Ministry of Finance.
Funds for the implementation of the strategic documents are provided within the health care system and budgets of other state institutions, grants and other sources in accordance with the law.
Funds for the implementation of preventive, research and other activities will be provided from the budget of the Ministry of Health and of other line ministries, in accordance with their responsibilities. The reimbursement for the health services provided, including the costs of prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment, for all insured persons shall be effected by the Republic Health Insurance Fund of Serbia.
Government commits to developing costed Action Plans for all further development and policy documents in accordance with the Law on Planning System, and
Exploring the possibilities to expand the sources of financing of SRHR services, and family supportive services by providing partnerships, including with private sectors.

Mode of engagement:
  • Budgetary and financial
    Government of Serbia commits to maintaining the already established financial allocations for the implementation of documents related to the goals of ICPD Programme of Action, and gradually increasing the funding in accordance with possibilities.
Commitment to be actioned in: Serbia
Submitted from: Serbia
Submitted by
Republic of Serbia
Thematic area
Mobilize the required financing to finish the ICPD Programme of Action and sustain the gains already made
Commitment category

(6) Using national budget processes, including gender budgeting and auditing, increasing domestic financing and exploring new, participatory and innovative financing instruments and structures to ensure full, effective and accelerated implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.