Association of Public Health Specialists (HASUDER) of Türkiye commits to organize the education programs considering the priority on ICPD and Agenda 2030.
Commitment description:HASUDER commits; 1. To settle at least one session in each yearly international conference of HASUDER. 2. To implement the topic on “gender and the association for health outcomes” in all education programs of Public Health residents and medical students by the end of 2020.. 3. Will distribute the outcomes of ICPD-25 with at least one webinar activity in Canal HASUDER-a YouTube Canal- before the end of 2020. 4. To organize a training of the trainers program on universal access to sexual and reproductive rights with the repsentatives of the students of medical, nursery and midwifery faculties of each region of Türkiye before the end of 2020 and support the tarines to organize similar activites in their regions. 5. To implement MISP in the Public Health education program of at least ten medical faculty by the end of 2020.
Mode of engagement:
- Programmatic actionAssociation of Public Health Specialists (HASUDER) of Türkiye commits to organize the education programs considering the priority on ICPD and Agenda 2030.
(1) Intensify our efforts for the full, effective and accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action, Key Actions for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action of the ICPD, the outcomes of its reviews, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.