
Ending Unsafe Abortion by 2030: How do we get there?

This session will showcase scalable, affordable and practical solutions to end all deaths from unsafe abortion in a decade. The discussions will illustrate what is possible, what support is available, and how we can partner to achieve this goal. The session will situate access to safe abortion as part of an essential SRHR package of interventions, and as a response to demands for choice and bodily autonomy. It will articulate unsafe abortion as a violent and harmful practice within the context of the medical abortion revolution and increasing anti-choice opposition.This event will bring together the latest evidence, innovations and best practices in safe abortion care, programming and advocacy to forge meaningful partnerships for change.This session is convened by 12 co-hosts, including Marie Stopes International, CRR, FIGO, the Guttmacher Institute, Right Here Right Now, SheDecides, UNFPA and WHO/HRP.

DATE Tue, 12 November
TIME 15:00 - 16:30 EAT
Location Courtyard 3
Event type Concurrent Sessions

Session gallery