In the lead-up to the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, various private, philanthropic, and multi-sector stakeholders gathered for a High-Level Roundtable Breakfast hosted by Wellbeing Foundation Africa (WBFA) and its Founder-President Toyin Ojora Saraki in partnership with UNFPA. 

The roundtable offered stakeholders an opportunity to participate in meaningful dialogue and present their commitments on an international platform. 

Mrs. Saraki, a member of the International Steering Committee on ICPD25, welcomed the commitments, highlighting that “the challenge that we always face is how to translate the global goals into actions that will bring impact on the ground.'' 

"We are just two weeks away from the Nairobi Summit, and the event of today is sending a vibrant message of commitment and concrete actions from Nigeria to finish the unfinished business for women and girls, because the 2030 deadline is a deadline we can't miss. Today's event concretely shows this is possible," said Mariarosa Cutillo, Chief of UNFPA's Strategic Partnerships Branch.

The roundtable featured a number of actors across industries, including finance, infrastructure & housing, media & entertainment, health care, information technology, and education. Attendees also included participating representatives of government, as well as NGOs, international agencies and faith-based organizations. 

Significant commitments were secured, and the event showcased the potential impact of cross-sector collaboration to accelerate the implementation of the ICPD agenda.

All views are those of the original author. Read the full press release at