
Unpacking the Politics of Manifestos

Political initiatives that entirely oppose SRHR at the normative and programmatic level have recently increased in their resolve despite 25 years of progress on the ICPD. This session considers the design and plot of thefar-right policy agend onn SRHR, based on the value system of those who advocate viewpoints that restrict rights and choices for all. The session will contextualize the phenomenon in the wider anti-gender movement and uncover the proliferation, tentacles and tactics of opposition movements against SRHR worldwide. It provides a platform for progressive actors to consider solutions that can respond to and counter ideologies that seek to inhibit ICPD and undermine progress towards the SDGs.This session is convened by African Parliamentary Forum on P&D; EPF; South Africa Development Community Parliamentary Forum.

DATE Thu, 14 November
TIME 12:30 - 14:00 EAT
Location Courtyard 2
Universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights as a part of universal health coverage
Event type Concurrent Sessions

Session gallery